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Outdoor Space

At The Willows we use our outdoor area every day and encourage all of the children to spend some time outdoors. We have a variety of resources such as a climbing frame, trikes, scooters and ride-ons, as well as bats, balls and hoops. We have a soil pit for the children to dig in and explore for minibeasts and a covered sand pit and water play area. There is a shed which is transformed into a house, doctor's surgery or builder's yard, depending on the children's interests. 

We enjoy partnership working with North Bradley School and are able to offer weekly all year round Forest School sessions using the school's designated forest school area. Sports Day is held on the school field and to aid school readiness we utilise some of their other facilities like the reception playground and hold PE sessions in their school hall. 

   outside 1

 We have a mud kitchen which was designed and constructed by some of the parents out of recycled bits. The children adore this and spend much of their time creating mud pies, soup and cakes.

mud kitchen 1  

mud kitchen 4  


Around the corner we have a sensory garden where the children like to explore their environment and natural surroundings using their senses in a number of ways and also get to help with planting and other gardening tasks. We have crunchy gravel, smooth paving slabs and textured bark that we walk on. As we look around there are all different coloured plants; there are spikey and soft grasses, small stalks and longer leaves, a white tree trunk and primary coloured mobiles. Up higher there are roosting boxes and bird houses. The willow screening and bark coverings fascinate the children as they run their hands along the edges. Down at child level there is lavender, rosemary, lemon and curry to be sniffed and rubbed.

 IMG_1871   sensory 8

    sensory 5 sensory 6 sensory 7

The children (and staff!) absolutely adore this area and would like to thank all of those who helped make it such a beautiful place :)